The most common spruce for general landscape use, Picea abies, has a pyramidal outline with a strong central leader, horizontal secondary branches and overhanging tertiary branches. It is an extremely dominant point in the ordinary landscape. He needs space to spread his limbs. The glossy dark green needles are on average 1/2 inch to 1 inch long and retain their color throughout the winter, just like any evergreen plant. Cones are 4 to 6 inches long when young, ranging from purplish-purple to greenish-purple, eventually light brown. This species is extremely adapted, except for high temperatures.
Habit: Pyramidal with pendulous branchlets; stiff when young, graceful at maturity, good density.
Growth Rate: Medium to fast especially in youth; 1 1/2' to 2 1/2' per year in average landscape.
Mature Sizes: In an average mid west landscape after 20 years 30' to 40'.
Needle: Medium to dark green, 1/2" to 1" long, stiff.
Texture: Medium.
Cones: 4" to 6" long, Pedulous, cylindrical, brown when mature, persist through winter.
Culture: Easily transplanted, with shallow spreading root system; can be planted in most average soils in the mid west. Avoid wet, poorly drained sites, elevate root ball. Perfers full sun, but will grow in light to moderate shade (no less than 4 hours direct sun light.) And expect trees to be more openly branched and less dense. Will perform better than any of the pine family in partial shade.
Disease and Insects: Susceptable to spider mites.
Cultivars and Varieties:
Zone:2 to 7.
Native Habitat: Northern and Central Europe.